When Is It Time To Upgrade My Home?
Only you can answer that, but, let me ask you this; do you feel like you are squeezing into your current home? This is New York, but are you really squeezing in? Do you now have to work from home, and you didn’t have to before, which means you now need a whole office space?
Perhaps you even have kids, and you want a separate office space so that you can close a door. Or perhaps you just want to separate office space to create your own environment. Well, maybe you’ve always wanted this beautiful penthouse, or this beautiful unit with the “wow” factor, maybe it’s a great view. But you’ve always just kind of settled for what you have right now because you didn’t want to go through the hassle of buying and selling.
Do you think it’s a hassle to buy and sell? Is that what’s holding you back from upgrading?
Have you ever thought about getting that bigger home, except you are not ready to:
A. Put the time and effort into finding a new place?
B. Put the time and effort into cleaning your place and selling your place?
C. You are terrified that you’re going to get stuck with 2 mortgages and 2 monthlies, which we know can be a lot in the city?
Alright, well, listen, here’s what I have to say :
“If you feel like it’s time to upgrade, now is an amazing time”
And it could be for you too. The market you sell in is the market you buy in. You may not get some amazing price today in your sale because we’re not in a peak seller’s market. However, you may get a big discount. And if you’re upgrading your home, that discount on your purchase is probably going to be a bit bigger than the discount that you’re putting onto your sale.
Also, I hear you. But it’s really not that hard to sell and to buy. As a matter of fact, our team does it a lot.
We work very closely with you to time it out properly.
We make sure we find something that you like out there. We at least know what you want exists, and then we get you on the market. And don’t worry about the hassle of selling. As soon as you’re ready to sell, we like to say, “You sign the paperwork, you hand over the keys, and we will take it from there.” We will make it as easy as possible. We’ll just need you to leave when we show it.
And then what we’ll do is we’ll get that property into contract. We’ll make sure that, if it’s right for you, we’ll have a leaseback for you. This means that after you close, you can stay there for maybe a month, 2 months, etc., in case you do want to use those funds from your sale to go on to your next purchase. We’ll make sure that that happens. Again, we have a fantastic team here that we use to make sure that everything goes very smoothly together.
Alright. Well, listen, if you want to talk further about this, we would love to chat with you. So, please put in your information. Because again, we are a full team. We’ve helped so many people take advantage of this amazing buyers’ market today that we have, and get them into something, a home of their dreams, a home that has more closet space, storage, maybe even a fantastic view, some “wow” factor for you. I mean, after all, you’ve up-leveled your life, why not upgrade your home? Fill out some information, and I look forward to chatting to you soon.